Author Topic: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.  (Read 5453 times)

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Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« on: November 09, 2010, 03:21:44 PM »
For any CGW modelers here, I have completed the initial research to send to Microscale about doing a late diesel sheet.

Please take a look and let me know of any questions or concerns.

I'm sure some stuff won't make the final cut, but I'll worry about that if/when I need to.  I don't know if MS is even going to want any of this so we'll see.



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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2010, 04:11:20 PM »
Why not just lay out the whole sheet?  I bet almost all road numbers would fit the standard Microscale printing area.  Also, flush out the caboose lettering if you're going that route.

Also, I don't think the artwork for the original sheet is digital.


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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2010, 04:33:28 PM »
Why not just lay out the whole sheet?  I bet almost all road numbers would fit the standard Microscale printing area.  Also, flush out the caboose lettering if you're going that route.

Also, I don't think the artwork for the original sheet is digital.

Well I've gone as far as I going to go until I know MS is on board with this idea.  I've reasearched all the locos that made it out of the as-delivered scheme and eliminated the locos that were traded in.   They were planning on just combining the HO and N artwork and pushing it out.  I should note that I think the HO revised sheet doesn't have any usable numbers for any maroon or red schemes because the whole sheet looks to be printed in duluxe gold.

I will look at how many numbers can fit onto the sheet when it comes up. I would flesh out the SD40s first and then the RSs followed by the NW2s.  One space concern is that the revised HO sheet actually has two pieces to the LS herald.  I assume this to to overcome registration issues. As it sits, you can do any single locomotive except TR2 #66 which requires fourteen 6's, but that loco never made it out of the original scheme.  As for the caboose lettering, all the numbers can all be found within the locomotive numbers, no need to duplicate them.  There really isn't anymore lettering that's legible on the later cabooses besides the weight.

If the original artwork isn't digital then this is all for nothing.  I should know soon enough.  Maybe I can print my own sheet since I think I have everything drawn in some form.



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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 05:18:43 PM »
Dumb questions without doing any research...

  • Will this set work for NW2s as well (since they're the only N scale CGW switcher model we have at this point)?
  • Will it work for S units (maybe we'll get one again some day, besides the one that got away)?
  • Will the caboose component work for the Atlas NE-6 models (yes, they're not a NE-5, but they're a stand-in for now and maybe we can talk TrainCat into doing a NE-5)?


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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2010, 05:35:49 PM »
Oops, left the NW2 off the write up.  As it sits now, it will ANY locomotive in maroon or red except #66.  If the right road numbers are used, you should be able to yield four locomotives from the sheet. Locomotives like 11,22,33 etc, really eat up numbers so if you do one of those, it may limit what else you can get out of it.

The Caboose part will work for the NE and the Bay Windows (and some wood and transfer cabooses to a degree).  There is some really small writing on the BWs that I haven't even tried to identify yet however, and probably wouldn't get too worked up trying to include it.

There will probably be an NE5 caboose available someday in some form.  I'm making one using RP on the Atlas frame and Bryan of ESM has been working on one as well.  I won't be selling mine unless I can get them cast somehow as I would have to charge $60+ just for for the body in RP.



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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2010, 06:24:28 PM »

So the new sheet will do a NE-5? I didn't see an answer.

Bryan B.

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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2010, 06:30:54 PM »

So the new sheet will do a NE-5? I didn't see an answer.

Bryan B.

Quote from: me
The Caboose part will work for the NE and the Bay Windows



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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2010, 06:54:10 PM »
Sorry, Jason. Being from the northeast, I took the "NE" to mean Northeastern caboose - as in the Walthers nee Life-Like model. You say NE, and I think about cabooses of the Lehigh Valley, B&O, WM, etc. You add a dash and a number and then I switch gears, and start thinking about New Haven and Burlington class cabooses. Say "NI" and I start thinking about Monty Python...
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 06:56:12 PM by sirenwerks »
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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2010, 12:14:24 AM »
Are the decals done yet?  I need a couple 36" heralds...  ;)

Fresh out of the paint booth after being shelf tested (Sorry bb...) for a couple years. These are two of his methods: the red caboose is etched sides built onto an Atlas NE-6 and the two maroon ones are his resin shells.


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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2010, 12:43:25 AM »
So will you be selling those etched sides? Any detail shots? I've been wondering about the NE-5's roof treatment, had been looking for drawings, as I've been striking out in the roof photo department.
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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2010, 12:49:41 AM »
So will you be selling those etched sides? Any detail shots? I've been wondering about the NE-5's roof treatment, had been looking for drawings, as I've been striking out in the roof photo department.

Nope, not my sides.  They were from Bryan Bussey a long time ago. 

Go buy an HO Centralia caboose for the roof detail.  The seams don't show up on the drawings, so it was based off measurements from the existing CGW NE-5 at IRM and is correct.


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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2010, 02:32:46 AM »
Are the decals done yet?  I need a couple 36" heralds...  ;)

Fresh out of the paint booth after being shelf tested (Sorry bb...) for a couple years. These are two of his methods: the red caboose is etched sides built onto an Atlas NE-6 and the two maroon ones are his resin shells.

Nice set.   :)



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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2010, 10:26:08 AM »
Fresh out of the paint booth after being shelf tested (Sorry bb...) for a couple years. These are two of his methods: the red caboose is etched sides built onto an Atlas NE-6 and the two maroon ones are his resin shells.

Sweet!  Mike, you're farther along with your CGW cars than I am with my New Haven counterparts.  My paintbooth will finally be back in service in January, so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Jason - if your artwork is digital and complete, Micro-Scale can turn decals around quickly at a very reasonable price.  When you're ready I'll send you contact information for the proper person that handles the special run quotes.
Bryan Busséy
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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2010, 11:19:25 AM »
Jason, I just reviewed your diagram.  I think the better avenue would be to have "camera ready" artwork and possibly do a special run of decals through the CNW historical society.  I have herald artwork from way back, when I was printing limited runs on the Atlas Airslide.  CGW was going to be in the second batch that never got scheduled.  If this herald is accurate, I can supply the vector drawing in whatever size is required.

Bryan Busséy
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Re: Initial CGW decal sheet proposal to Microscale.
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2010, 02:26:25 PM »
Bryan, the diagram is just something I put together to see how many numbers I would need to achieve my set goals.  I just eyeballed the letter sizes and such by comparing them to the heralds.  I other words, it's not ready by any means.

I'm hopefully going to have another conversation with Chris at MS before he sets the production on the 593 re-release or the caboose sheet he mentioned.  I've already warned him that the HO sheet has a major issue, we'll see if that gets his ear.  If things don't work out with the production sheets, I think I have everything except numberboard lettering in vector form.  I'll certainly take the name of where to send custom orders.
