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To be honest there are times when I envy peeps that model roads with lots of easy peasy equipment to get off the shelf (so to speak) in N scale but that's not what I want, and part of the fun for me is making the models I can' get but ...When I daydream I sometimes think it'd be cool to:*model WM Union Bridge up through the Catoctins into Hagerstown*recreate the Weverton Branch of the B&O*model Feather River Canyon*BN Rockies helper district in the 70s*some Anthracite road circa late 60sArrrgh, the list goes on and on - I find I like a lot of railroad environs. :But I've been single minded about N&W for the most part - it's my first love (train wise).Mark
*snip**model Feather River Canyon*BN Rockies helper district in the 70s*snip*
5.) Maine Central. For a while I was really hyped on the MEC, after all it had a great color scheme for its locomotives, it served paper mills, New England is model genic itself. What crushed that hype though was once I got my hands on track charts and better understood how the railroad operated, it kinda got boring for me. In my opinion, its a railroad that serves a few pockets of "large industry" but otherwise barren in between those points. Also, train traffic was divided, eastbounds traveling one main line, while westbounds travel another. The Mountain Sub was a cool idea, but it too was patterned the same way, some pockets of interest spread over a long distance of "yawn" boredom. Don't know how those crews didn't fall asleep. Its been relegated to a "possibility" but not a priority.