Author Topic: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.  (Read 4338 times)

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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2010, 04:12:52 AM »
Now for a blast from the past...

Wonder if we could get Intermountain to do some of these???


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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2010, 09:52:50 AM »
I haven't seen the models, and it's been decades since I've seen the actual circus train.  But I'm going to venture a guess to say that MT is well within its right to use whatever's available to them to make up a reasonably good looking train as a starting point.

You have to remember, that they aren't selling this only to high-end, detail oriented modelers.  The main market will be collectors, the secondary market is the N trak crowd pleasers, the third tier is model railroaders who want a circus train.  Those who are concerned about the window arrangement on a particular car number and the diameter of the wheels on the lion cage are down around the 9th or 10th level.

Their goal is to make a set that looks reasonably like A circus train, not necessarily THE particular circus train you have in mind.  It sounds like so far they are hitting their target with well executed paint schemes, and economical and reliable rolling stock.

As with all things, if you want to something more accurate, you're welcome to make with the Squadron Green and have a ball.


That is where MTL could have made a mistake . MTL could have made up a fantasy circus company name instead of RBB&B . A fantasy name would and could almost any and all cars without them being compared to a prototype for authenticity . But using refers as the easy way out as a canvas for billboard graphics still would over torque my sense of acceptability and keep my money in my shoe . 

Richie Dost

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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2010, 11:12:55 AM »
I haven't seen the models, and it's been decades since I've seen the actual circus train.  But I'm going to venture a guess to say that MT is well within its right to use whatever's available to them to make up a reasonably good looking train as a starting point.

You have to remember, that they aren't selling this only to high-end, detail oriented modelers.  The main market will be collectors, the secondary market is the N trak crowd pleasers, the third tier is model railroaders who want a circus train.  Those who are concerned about the window arrangement on a particular car number and the diameter of the wheels on the lion cage are down around the 9th or 10th level.

Their goal is to make a set that looks reasonably like A circus train, not necessarily THE particular circus train you have in mind.  It sounds like so far they are hitting their target with well executed paint schemes, and economical and reliable rolling stock.

As with all things, if you want to something more accurate, you're welcome to make with the Squadron Green and have a ball.


That is where MTL could have made a mistake . MTL could have made up a fantasy circus company name instead of RBB&B . A fantasy name would and could almost any and all cars without them being compared to a prototype for authenticity . But using refers as the easy way out as a canvas for billboard graphics still would over torque my sense of acceptability and keep my money in my shoe . 

I certainly don't think MTL should have made up a fantasy name.  I seriously doubt that almost anyone interested in having a RBB&B train is gonna be turned off by the cars used...there will be a few, yes.  But if you use some fantasy name, those people are OUT.  Only thing left is pure collectors for the most part. This will still be a nice train, and one that cleary sets its era and purpose to 100% of it's audience.  Yes, it would be easy for many enthusiasts to pick apart the models, but overall I think the idea is sound.

To Lee's point, of course MTL can use whatever car they want.  But with Kato having a core set of cars, there is the risk that Kato will swoop in and announce.  Unlikely, and even so the MTL set is probably already reserved and sold out anyway.  But for buyers, it is a consideration.  Regardless, I cannot wait to see the train in action somewhere...I think it will be a great train and wish I could get one.  I saw the prototype parked in BNSF's (ex-BN) North Yard in Fort Worth, TX a year or so back.
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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2010, 10:14:15 AM »
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« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 10:35:32 AM by learmoia »


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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2010, 03:55:33 PM »
The transition from RBX to RBBX took place in the mid-90s when the Circus went to the 40000- and 60000-series numbers.  Part of the change was done because of a terrible derailment up in Virginia around that time that killed a number of the Show's animals, including elephants.  Can try to dig up the exact date of the change in my roster info and get back on this.

The scheme itself dates back to roughly 1985, where photos show a new paint scheme.  Photos by Russell Underwood, used by permission.

I am surprised that through the 70s the schemes changed a couple of times from a "circus" styled font to a three-color banner to a two-color banner to the red banner with a red pin-stripe.  Here is ex-NYC Hickory Creek with some of the cars with the "circus" font/pin striped banner, not sure of the date of the photo but the car was sold to RBBX in 1967 while in a 1975 shot (link below) it had been partially repainted.  Photographer unknown, my collection.

At the first link below you will see the three-color banner, the second a two-colored banner and at the third more of the "circus" font scheme, this with a blue banner...

More shots of the RBX cars can be seen on my Passenger Car Photo Index.

Hope this info helps!!!


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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2010, 04:56:16 PM »
Here are some pics I took when the train came to town on 9-14-06:

These were while the circus was going on and the crew was cleaning. Not so good pics because it was railing at the time. I had a ton more, but the computer ate them. Got to talk to the crew, all they wanted to know was "where's the closest bar?"


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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2010, 05:38:50 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 10:35:57 AM by learmoia »

Denver Road Doug

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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2010, 01:24:56 PM »
Has anybody posted good pics of the models yet?
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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2010, 02:12:13 AM »
  The Circus no longer has the obs car. it has been completely restored as an NYC car and is available as a charter car. Twin car became the New York of AOE American Orient Express several years ago and it is now out of service as AOE went belly up. Nate Goodman (Nato). Salt Lake, Utah.


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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2010, 01:33:07 PM »
Wonder if Highball Graphics would consider doing decals for the circus train???


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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2010, 01:40:46 PM »
There probably is a licensing issue with the circus that would have to be addressed first.
Bryan Busséy
NHRHTA #2246
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Re: First thoughts on the MT RBB&B Circus Train.
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2010, 09:50:35 PM »
OK, well I finally lost my mind and took the plunge.  Found out that my pusher was still accepting reservations for the Red Train set, had two of the 1st runner sets left, and could get me the 2nd (flat cars) runner set from what he ordered.   The 3rd (stock cars) runner set orders were sold out so I may be SOL for that one unless they get more or I find another source.

I decided to sell my Pioneer Zephyr to partially fund this.  That was a big decision but as good as the PZ is, it just isn't my era.  The Red Train is not only era-appropriate but has run on both of the lines I model.  And the bonus is, you don't have to have special power...just any ole' BNSF or UP diesels will do.

EDIT:  Just got my RBBB runner pack.  Exactly what I expected...quirky Con-Cor but generally they look good.  I think the four sets as a whole will be a nice train.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 11:44:26 AM by Denver Road Doug »
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