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Man, we could really use that coupler seperatley. Just think how easy the 44 tonner coupler install would be. Other uses: F and E units, FAs and PAs. Hell, I wonder if they would fit an accumate truck.
What are they "right" for?Thought about keeping the number stock, but the real one has 6 brake cylinders on each truck.
Here's the Thomas Sub helix as it appears on the kitchen table...The bottom loop is 24 x 32, then next is 24 x 28, and the top is 24 x 24. I tested it with a Bachmann Consolidation with 10 Atlas 55T hoppers. This was suitable as a worst case scenario. I had a little trouble keeping the pilot truck on the rail due to the tight radius, but I added a little superelevation which seems to help. I figure I'll add rerailers at the top and bottom, which should keep everything in order.The total rise is now at 6 full inches, which is plenty to get the line up to Elkins. The new spacers are cut to have a level plane at the tops, which will expedite cutting foam, probably from the Chaffee module, to make the mountainous enclosure. This hill will be the backdrop for Cumberland, so I'll have to make the radio station up on the hill with the neon letters!Lee