Thanks for the kind words.
Chris, missed your question on the flocking stuff. Actually I'm using a custom blend that I buy locally from someone that has it made through Scenery Express. But it isn't hard to make. It is the Flock and Turf Blend. This one is labeled as Spring Green Fine but looking at it in person here, it appears to look more like the Medium Grass Green here - - on Scenery Express website, so I'm thinking of ordering a few different colors to see if I can figure it out.
It looks like this though as she is combining two different colors in maybe a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio of light green/yellow and the spring green as a base:
Like I said, I need to order a few things from Scenery Express, so I'll pick some more up and see. I like this blend because it adds some contrast to the leaves similar to when the sunlight hits the various shades of tops and bottoms of the leaves. Nothing else I've used so far comes close to this. Woodland Scenics blended turf doesn't have quite the contrast.
Looking at the website it appears that