Admittedly, I am electrically/electronically challenged (putting it mildly), and I am currently only running trains on a bare bones DC T-Trak loop. Layout construction has to wait until I get back from Iraq, and then possibly another move...but anyway...
There is a lot of talent with the colored wires around here, so I was hoping to gain some insight on DCC.
Before the can (of worms) is opened and a brutal cola war is ignited, is there somewhere a guy can find info on ALL available systems, recommendations etc?
For example: Joe Everybody has an around the walls layout in a spare room, and he has 20 locomotives, but will only run 2 or 3 trains at a time, THESE systems would work.... and Jane Somebody has a 40'x 50' basement crammed to overflowing with 50 scale miles of trackage, 300 locos, weekly operating sessions with 5 people, so THESE systems would work.