My layout has been non operational for a couple of months while I did major scenery work. After cleaning everything up and getting trains running again, I noticed something odd about some of my locos when being controlled with my DT400R throttle. When I select the locomotive, a 28 shows on the LCD display instead of the usual 128. Then when I use the throttle to accelerate (or decelerate) each click jumps the speed display up by multiples of 3. Meaning from a dead stop the LCD on the DT400R displays 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc. The actual locomotive also accelerates/ decelerates accordingly in corresponding leaps rather than smoothly. Anyone have any ideas why this is occurring? Some locos do it and some don't. Also, as far as I can tell, when I'm using my DCS50 Zephyr to control the loco, the locos don't have this problem. Is this something that I need to reset on the DT400R throttle or something I need to program on the decoders? If so how do I go about doing that? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,