Author Topic: small yArd design help...  (Read 6952 times)

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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2007, 02:16:36 PM »
I think I would probably take the pair of spurs at the left off of the single track branch? line instead of crosssing it with a diamond. ISTM that the "feel" would maybe be a little more realistic, less crowded, maybe give you a little more room for station or shop buildings in that location, and a local train would make a bit more of a switchback move to get there.

Also, what's that crossover at the bottom left? I think I would put it the other way around so that trains can access the branch easier, but I don't know how your track is arranged farther down without seeing the overall area.


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2007, 03:16:43 PM »
I figured it was open-ended--I pictured it in my mind that way, with the road being sliced off on a long angle and the layout facia rising up to the level of the road surface to hide the back of the mirror. It would provide a more secure area for parked rolling stock, rather than having the tracks end at the very edge of the benchwork and subject to accidental bumps and such...

yep, my thoughts exactly.. thanks for the idea! 


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2007, 03:56:31 PM »
Ok, a bit more tweaking.. I added a caboose/runaround track.


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2007, 05:31:21 PM »
Ok, a bit more tweaking.. I added a caboose/runaround track.

At the risk of losing an interesting switching option, it seems like overkill (like my two-track engine facility). I like the previous iteration better, FWIW.


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2007, 06:41:49 PM »
I'm to the point where I have to decide what to do with this last part of my layout.  My mostlyfinalized plan is here:, along with the rest of my progress thus far.

I'm terrible as track planning, and particularly yards..  I basically want something to fill the space, without it being just PACKED with track.  A place to store/sort some cars.. small engine storage and caboose. plus some switching options.

But haven't we now packed the area with track? 

Why is it necessary to have a loco facility here?  Or a yard for that matter.  Is there enough business in this area to justify a switcher base?  Could a wayfreight job switch the town just as effectively?

Seems like a good place for a large industry that would justify a two or three track yard.  Plenty of room for a long run around track to leave the rest of the train while the crew switches the industries.

If you don't have a copy, consider the July 2007 issue of Trains.  Good history and explanation of wayfreights then and now.  Lots of ideas that could make this little spot the most fun place on the whole layout.

OTOH I may not be in tune with your layout goals at all.  In that case, please disregard above. 

Steve Holzheimer
Lakewood, OH
Modeling the AC&Y Spur 4 Serving the Tire Industry


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2007, 07:13:36 PM »

But haven't we now packed the area with track? 

Why is it necessary to have a loco facility here?  Or a yard for that matter.  Is there enough business in this area to justify a switcher base?  Could a wayfreight job switch the town just as effectively?

Seems like a good place for a large industry that would justify a two or three track yard.  Plenty of room for a long run around track to leave the rest of the train while the crew switches the industries.

If you don't have a copy, consider the July 2007 issue of Trains.  Good history and explanation of wayfreights then and now.  Lots of ideas that could make this little spot the most fun place on the whole layout.

OTOH I may not be in tune with your layout goals at all.  In that case, please disregard above. 


Definately something to think about, and I have been...   I like the idea of a yard, only as a place to display some things if nothing else.  I've always had a hard time imagining a layout without one.. but like you said.. chock full 'o tracks now.

I did always imagine this side of the layout to be the "city scene"

I think maybe I need to step back and let it sit for a day or two.. and let the thought process alone for a bit  :)

In any case, thanks for all the help guys!  We're not done yet!   ;D ;D


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2007, 01:59:26 PM »
Ok, so Steve got me thinking...

Indeed, things were just getting too cramped.. and my original intention was to NOT have that corner be a spaghetti bowl..

so, I'm going to make it a small switching area, with a depot, instead.

Here's the final plan, give or take some track locations and industries..

Also, this way the inner loop switches that town to the left(out of pic) and the outer loop switches the industries here..

whatcha think?


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2007, 08:46:14 PM »
I think it's a great idea! Of course, I can't keep myself from fiddling around, so I did a couple of things. I realigned stuff to smooth out all of the curves and keep them long and flowing, and reduce the number and severity of S-curves. I also arranged two of the sidings to cross, to add interest (it's loosely based on a real scene where I grew up, and I'm always looking for ways to incorporate it).

« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 09:26:17 PM by dks2855 »


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2007, 09:03:34 AM »
I agree with David's mods re track alignment & S-curves.  Still too much stuff for my taste though.

Leave some room to develop the scene.  I show a team track next to the depot.  The green squiggles represent a road.  The long spur serves the shipping dock.  Since the structure is on an aisle, consider using the shipping doors as a way to get an N scale humans view of the RR.  If you want some switching complexity perhaps include the power house option on the warehouse side of the tracks.  That makes some trailing and facing point turnouts no matter which way the train arrives in town.  Or, use the elevation change to add some visual interest by putting the powerhouse spur on the upper level and building the power house into the hillside.  The power house serves the unmodeled factory and receives coal (or oil) to feed it's boilers.

Steve Holzheimer
Lakewood, OH
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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2007, 07:42:21 PM »
sheesh, what did people do before the internet and forums?? LOL

thanks for all the great suggestions guys.  I've got my list of printouts and I'll be laying things out to check it out.



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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2007, 04:22:15 PM »
If a road engin pulls a train into the yard, how does it escape to the engine facility? Must it leave the train on the lead for a switcher to push into the yard?


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2007, 09:34:54 AM »
If a road engin pulls a train into the yard, how does it escape to the engine facility? Must it leave the train on the lead for a switcher to push into the yard?

which version are you referring to?  ;)


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2007, 11:02:20 AM »
scraping the yard idea leaves 2 problems

1 - where do trains come from?
2 - where do trains go?

you have no staging so trains simply "appear" on the layout.  even with a small yard, trains can have an origin and destination.  read the following and then rethink the yard idea - you have plenty of space for a modest 3 track yard with a lead, service/caboose track, and arrival/departure track - trains can't be longer than 6 cars, but that's a given based on your passing siding lengths.

in reviewing your trackplan, there are a number of things i would revise to enhance the layout to give it more of a railroad feeling vs. that of a model train.  i see you have already begun building, so those points are left for you to realize through operation and frustration.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 11:07:27 AM by asciibaron »
Quote from: Chris333
How long will it be before they show us how to add DCC to a tree?

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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2007, 11:24:07 AM »
I think the one in reply #17 above is the best.


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Re: small yArd design help...
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2007, 11:49:35 AM »
here are a few things i would do to - not sure how it would work given i did it with MSPaint.

Quote from: Chris333
How long will it be before they show us how to add DCC to a tree?