I have some Tam Valley Micro Singlets installed running servo point motors. I recovered them from a previous layout and they work well with push button controls. One of the things I like the most about them is that they run off the DCC bus. Just wire them in like track droppers and everything is great.
The problem I’m encountering is that I think this setup interferes with JMRI. I got that set up recently, and I know the basics work because I can drive a locomotive with my phone. But if I try to do anything more complicated, including just read a decoder address, the servos chatter and I get an error.
I had a bit of a look around and I can’t find anyone else reporting this problem. I suspect this may be a self selecting problem; the people that use Micro Signlets don’t use JMRI and the people who use JMRI use a more whole-layout approach to turnout control. But before I rip them out I thought I’d see if anyone has encountered this yet.