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Absolutely!There should be enough space in the ore bins for some kind of mechanism.
Too cool, Ed. Too cool.
I know you want a whole army of em!
If you drove through Marquette that day, the old steel trestle through town to the other loading dock, now a historical site, would still have been there; did you see it?.My children love trains and we take the opportunity to watch them when we can. Similarly we were in the marina parking lot in say 2003 maybe, and some old GN U boats started pushing some ore cars up onto the dock. Then the ship pulled in on that side, slowly. We got excited when the chutes dropped into the boat's ore bays.We were in the parking lot or on the dirt road pier next to it- google wont let me go into the marina or the pier, but this was the basic vantage point we had from the parking spaces there:https://www.google.com/maps/@46.5822965,-87.3862017,3a,45.3y,204.23h,93.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siMiKuPCodQep669VHXAgNg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192To this day I am still amazed at how far and fast the boat lowered into the water during the process. Very cool to see- we stayed till the boat left. I'm sure @pnolan48 has the right boat to satisfy the locale.
@keeper Need a way to raise and lower the boat into the "water" too!
A mechanism with a few or single servo....bam!
Thanks for the photos!Those lighted cars look like they may be made from cars that I believe might be 1/150. At least they strongly resemble ones I got off the bay to fill my autoracks, where the scale discrepancy didn't matter too much.
Mini-Ed's, all over the layout!
I scratchbuilt my model of the Missabe Dock 6. The dock was retrofitted with a conveyor loading system but half the dock still has the chutes for gravity loading. I used a gentleman off Shapeways who modeled them after the actual Missabe loading chutes. As far as Great Lakes freighters, while not cheap, by far the best option is N Scale Ships. For realistic modern freighters, the Sylvan models do not compare to what Pete does. I have used Sylvan details though and they are nice. I have two finished ships from Pete/N Scale Ships. One is the Incan Superior and the other is a “saltie”. Pictures of each can been seen on his website. I also used a kit from him to model the “classic” Interlake Herbert C. Jackson. The 1000-footer you see at the dock I posted is a scratchbuilt model of the Indiana Harbor.
$50! Totally worth it: https://www.miniprints.com/product/ed-k/They also do all sorts of other cool stuff.
During the Northeast N-Trak “Mini Meet” which preceded the Amherst Railway Society’s Annual Railroad Hobby Show in Springfield at the end of January, Micro-Trains announced of their next N Scale body style. It’s the 107 series 60 foot flat car with 70 ton trucks. More to come on this latest item, which is in the tooling phase at present.