Look what I found for more info:
https://www.therailwire.net/forum/index.php?topic=30311.0Includes a post from me (of all people):
Kenneth Anthony put together this information on another board back when I was trying to put together a list of the prototypes for the different rolling stock that was available. Problem with the idea is all too often, there either wasn't a prototype or nobody knew what it was. Still this may help some (it just took me awhile to go back and find it):
The real railroads also had 50 foot single-sheathed automobile boxcars with two Youngstown-style steel doors on each side. Walthers made a model of these cars. Spookshow says the cars came in two versions, with an end-loading door and with regular (non-opening) ends both ends. Here’s a link to Spookshow’s picture:
http://www.visi.com/~spookshow/freight/50ribdd.htmlRoadnames from the 1998 Walthers N/Z Scale Catalog
932-8351 Great Northern
932-8352 Union Pacific
932-8353 Northern Pacific
932-8354 Milwakee
932-8355 Southern Pacific
932-8356 Santa Fe
932-8350 undecorated
The catalog gives no indications which cars have the end doors. Spookshow’s photo shows an end door on a Northern Pacific car. (EDIT: apparently only the NP had the end doors)
Model spotting characteristics: 50 foot nominal length, single sheathed Howe truss, 4 panels to the left of the doors and 5 to the right. Youngstown-style corrugated steel doors. Steel Dreadnaught ends (I can’t tell the number or arrangement of ribs...) The roof looks like steel panels with standing ribs or seams.
Model Railroader ran an article on superdetailing these models with fishbelly USRA-style center-sill underframes and a reinforcement under the doors. One or the other or both of these applies to some of the prototypes, marked with an asterisk.* The article shows a Milwaukee Road car, but they did NOT have a prototype photo to verify the details. The superdetailing article is in Model Railroader July2000 p.86.
Prototypes WITHOUT doors:
Great Northern GN 41744 p.30 Freight Car Models Vol.II/Box Cars Book 1 (RailModel Journal) ends are 3/3/3 Dreadnaught. Walthers model could use modification for reinforcement under the doors, and fishbelly center sill, per Model Railroader article.*
Frisco SLSF #152805 photo Furniture and Automobile Box Cars Santa Fe Rwy Rolling Stock Reference p.14
NP #4803 w end doors p.31 Freight Car Models Vol.II/Box Cars Book 1 (RailModel Journal) Walthers model could use modification for fishbelly center sill, per Model Railroader article.*
Texas & Pacific T&P #70045; #70203. #70300. Cars with end doors. Freight Car Models Vol.II/Box Cars Book 1 (RailModel Journal) Walthers model could use modification for fishbelly center sill, per Model Railroader article.*
Western Pacific WP #40055. Car with end doors. P.26 Freight Car Models Vol.II/Box Cars Book 1 (RailModel Journal) Walthers model could use modification for reinforcement under the doors, and fishbelly center sill, per Model Railroader article.*
Other “NEAR PROTOTYPES” that would look somewhat similar to model. However, they have different numbers of panels from the 4-5 panel arrangement of the model.
Central Vermont 42015 3-4 panel (link to photo
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3-hpr5fsS0...New+London.jpgRock Island #264026 p.32 3-4 panels Freight Car Models Vol.II/Box Cars Book 1 (RailModel Journal)