Author Topic: Lines and imperfections on prints. (What resin do you use?)  (Read 478 times)

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Lines and imperfections on prints. (What resin do you use?)
« on: August 27, 2022, 06:06:56 PM »
I have had this problem ever since I started resin printing. The only thing I have not tried so far is changing the kind of resin I am using. Some people think it is a Z axis issue, which to me does not make sense. That would mean that a bad z axis is the norm for everyone who buys a resin printer, because it's happened with multiple printers. Orientation has made no difference either.

I was recommended on reddit to change my resin from siraya tech fast to standard resin.

My issue is pretty much the same as this


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Re: Lines and imperfections on prints. (What resin do you use?)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2022, 06:37:25 PM »
It's really hard to say without a picture.  For the other thread you referenced, the main issue was the model not being oriented straight 0 or 90 degrees in the build area.  Pixel artifacts from the screen are more apparent when you have flat surfaces with shallow angles from their grid orientation on all axis.  Another type of artifact could either be light-wave interference from the UV light source or as the other poster mention in the other thread something to do with power draw in other areas of the home?  Either of those should be a non-issue since a paint job will usually make them disappear in my experience.  Have you tried painting your items to see how bad the defects are after?  Are you able to post a picture of what you're seeing?



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Re: Lines and imperfections on prints. (What resin do you use?)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2022, 08:18:50 PM »
I posted on there it was probably the Z screw.

If the lines you see are perfectly spaced then it is probably the rotation of the screw. That or the slider bearing is loose.

I was getting this:

I changed out this:

And this was my very next print:

Not saying it is your problem, but it was mine.