No, I don’t have a problem. I’m not the one who showed up to burst someone’s balloon about buying manufactured turnouts and then, once again, tooted my own horn about my own accomplishments. It was unnecessary, irrelevant, and, as far as I’m concerned, unwelcome in a thread where the OP was happy to receive Atlas turnouts.
So, I don’t need to take a couple of breaths and calm down. This is just model railroading. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
Haha...yeah, I just wait in the shadows to leap out and "burst people's bubbles'...sure.
Exactly what "bubble" did I burst this time?? Since my post was in reply to
@porkypine52 's comment, which I quoted, about how he was "...And I'm looking at HAND LAYING also!"...emphasis his, not post was to encourage him.
Looks like your comments are the bubble bursters...not mine.
As for "...tooting my own horn"...I rarely comment about anything nor give advice on something I haven't actually done myself. As is a common saying here "Pics or it didn't happen", I supply photos too. If you think I'm aggrandizing myself, then you should hold the same opinion of others whose work is better than mine, who also share photos of their work with us.
Only way to not construe self-aggrandizement is to never post photos of your work nor give advice based on personal experience or skill.
As for my post not adhering to being relevant to the OP's initial posting, we ARE at TRW, right?? Since I quoted porkypine52's comment...and not Chuck' doesn't take a high IQ to figure out Chuck's comments weren't the subject of my post. And, your post to me IS relevant to the OP's initial posting??? Oh, that's right, it's okay for you, but not for me.
No, YOU go away (to quote you) with your personal IS, after all, only model railroading.