April 2020 New Releases Part 1
Illinois Central “Panama Limited” - Lightweight Passenger Cars!
The Panama Limited was the Illinois Central’s flagship passenger train operating from Chicago to New Orleans. Originally an all Pullman train, the IC would add diners and coaches to build out the train that is represented. The dome cars were purchased from the Missouri Pacific. The Panama Limited would run until Amtrak took over in 1971. Amtrak would restored the name and retained the overnight schedule. It continues to be operated by Amtrak today under the name.

73020-1 IC - Panama Limited Sleeper 4-4-2 PULLMAN CHICAGOLAND Lightweight Passenger Car

73020-2 IC - Panama Limited Sleeper 4-4-2 PULLMAN HAZELHURST Lightweight Passenger Car

73020-3 UP - IC - Panama Limited Sleeper 4-4-2 PULLMAN IMPERIAL BIRD Lightweight Passenger Car

73120-1 IC - Panama Limited Sleeper 6-6-4 PULLMAN PELICAN STATE Lightweight Passenger Car

73120-2 IC - Panama Limited Sleeper 6-6-4 PULLMAN LAND O'STRAWBERRIES Lightweight Passenger Car

73120-3 IC - Panama Limited Sleeper 6-6-4 PULLMAN KING COTTON Lightweight Passenger Car

73420-1 IC - Panama Limited Dome 308 Lightweight Passenger Car

73420-2 IC - Panama Limited Dome 313 Lightweight Passenger Car

73520-1 IC - Panama Limited Diner EVANGELINE Lightweight Passenger Car

73520-2 IC - Panama Limited Diner VIEUX CARRE Lightweight Passenger Car

73720-0 IC - Panama Limited Coach Lightweight Passenger Car

73720-1 IC - Panama Limited Coach 2613 Lightweight Passenger Car

73720-2 IC - Panama Limited Coach 2610 Lightweight Passenger Car

73820-1 IC - Panama Limited Observation GULFPORT Lightweight Passenger Car

73820-2 IC - Panama Limited Observation MEMPHIS Lightweight Passenger Car

73920-1 IC - Panama Limited Mail ILLINOIS CENTRAL - 1831 Lightweight Passenger Car

73920-2 IC - Panama Limited Mail UNITED STATES MAIL RAILWAY POST OFFICE - 152 Lightweight Passenger Car
See the American Z Line site for more information on these and other AZL products.
http://www.azldirect.comRob Kluz
Ztrack Distribution