Ok, I forgot to mention, i checked the wheel space awhile ago. They are right on. Only my two sets of centipedes where way off, i mean way off to how they left the factory like that is a guess.
Well give the man a cigar. I put a ground wire between the two booster cases and waa-la problem solved. T1's no longer stall at the jump. To answer the other question, they did run in reverse over the area without stalling. I just ran them around 10 times without a stall, thank you thank you thank you. Even though I become use to the stall or i should say expecting it to happen and now it doesn't i'm still waiting for it.
Funny it was brought up about big boys and challengers. Yes I run pretty much PRR and some RDG but i do run UP and SP from time to time. Nothing like double heading big boys. Love the cab fwd's too. Neither of them ever stalled there, again only the T1's
Another question was, How big is the layout ? I run two mains that are both 116' each. I usually run two trains on one and just one on the other but sometimes if i run four it gets pretty busy. it's a loop so i can let them go around while i play in the yard and roundhouse, 44 stalls. But in doing this most of my trains are 50 freight and up to 17 pass cars and most have two to three engines sucking up the power. With one booster, 5amp, things were shutting down often.
Lets hope this solved the problem for good and we can move on to the next thing what ever that may be. Thanks guys for all your input, i certainly learned a lot once again here.