Author Topic: Anycubic Orange  (Read 1300 times)

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Anycubic Orange
« on: January 10, 2019, 08:51:00 AM »
Has anyone printed with this? I've been printing with translucent green for a few weeks with no problems, but I can't get this stuff to stick to the build plate. I've also tried changing the settings to what guys have been using for gray, still no luck. Any ideas?

Thanks for the help!


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Re: Anycubic Orange
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 02:24:10 PM »
Has anyone printed with this? I've been printing with translucent green for a few weeks with no problems, but I can't get this stuff to stick to the build plate. I've also tried changing the settings to what guys have been using for gray, still no luck. Any ideas?

Thanks for the help!

Sorry I haven't tried the orange but maybe if you could describe in gory detail exactly what you've been doing something may jump out to somebody. 

In general, a clean build plate, clean vat with any debris cleaned out from failed prints, vat film not obviously damaged, zero setting, and extended first layer cure times seem to be the key issues.  I think especially critical are the clean build plate and first layer cure times.  Oh, and SHAKE the resin before to add to the machine and STIR the resin if it's been sitting in the vat for any time at all.  When needed, I have stirred the resin using the scraper that came with the machine, gently running it against the film to stir all of the way down, I then cycle at the bottom using the build plate to stir by hitting the "home" button several times before to start the print cycle.  Not sure cycling through the home position several times is necessary but figure it can't hurt. :)

So far I haven't had any build plate failures but have only used green and gray.  In light of various horror stories about build plate attachment I started with the green set at 80 seconds base time when 40 was recommended, 8 layers, and then reduced that time to the least I tried before to change to gray of 50 seconds, all successful.  With the gray and by now some experience, I went with the 115 seconds that Mark and Chris had been using successfully and have just stuck with that.  If there's any merit to the extra time I figure those few layers isn't the place to try to speed things up as it's only for those few layers.
 And I've used 8 bottom layers so far, also not changed from the original recommendations.

Post some detail and maybe something will present itself.  Good luck. 8)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 02:27:22 PM by narrowminded »
Mark G.


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Re: Anycubic Orange
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2019, 07:16:23 PM »
Thanks for the pointers! I zeroed the plate and so far it seems to be working!


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Re: Anycubic Orange
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2019, 08:18:08 PM »
Thanks for the pointers! I zeroed the plate and so far it seems to be working!

The zeroed plate and squareness are both very important.  With that said, I squared and zeroed the plate the very first time I used it and haven't touched it since.  With the design of that tapered mount square and locating pocket for the clamp screw it re-installs just fine, at least on mine. 8) 

An issue with this that some had and because they reported it before I got mine, therefore warning me to check it, ;) was the build plate leveling sphere with screws located under the build plate attachment, therefore hidden by it, being loose from the factory.  I took that plate off and checked those screws as well as all other screws before to run it the first time.  The only loose screws I found were two of the eight cover hinge screws, one in each hinge. :)  But it's probably a wise move to do this and save the agony those things can cause.

Glad to hear it's working again. 8)
Mark G.