Author Topic: ESU 73100 decoder problems  (Read 3039 times)

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Re: ESU 73100 decoder problems
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2018, 09:28:19 AM »
I have down loaded the file 3 or 4 times. After the down load the decoder is dead to any commands.
One thing I did not try was to see if the decoder would work on default #3 before I down load the file.


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Re: ESU 73100 decoder problems
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2018, 10:26:57 AM »
If you haven't already, perhaps you could try one of the other two files that are also appropriate for the C30-7. I have the "GE 16cyl FDL 'Dash-7' (FT)" loaded in a B30-7 (via 73800) and like it a lot.

....random thought....any chance that the "enable DCC consist address" box is checked and it's waiting for commands at that address?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 10:40:40 AM by tehachapifan »


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Re: ESU 73100 decoder problems
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2018, 12:38:28 PM »
Jerry - you are NOT GOING CRAZY

I just tried doing your direct-to-LokProgrammer download from the ESU site of 73845 onto a known good 73800, and the decoder is "dead".  So, tried a copy of the 73845 file which I downloaded back in January 2017 (project is dated Sept 2016 on ESU site).  Decoder is still dead.

Now loading a new file, to make sure decoder comes back (give me another half hour to report).

I try to keep a current version of most files on the "train" laptop, since I take that and the programmer to shows, so that I can load projects for others in group.

Edit - yep, loading a known good project and the decoder is fine!  I will post a note on the ESU Yahoo Groups of the problem file
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 01:09:21 PM by RBrodzinsky »
Rick Brodzinsky
Chief Engineer - JACALAR Railroad
Silicon Valley FreeMo-N


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Re: ESU 73100 decoder problems
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2018, 01:58:11 PM »
Rick, I had emailed Matt last Saturday before I knew about the other sound file restoring the decoder.
Sent him a second email early this AM telling him I thought the decoder was OK but the file was BAD!
Got back to me this AM and told me to try the sound file #73445 and he was going to check on the file 73845
It is uploading 73445 file now. Will let you know how that goes.
Boy this is hard on the hair. Don't think the three strands on the top are going to survive much longer. LOL
I was going to use a 73800 but I guess that I would have found out that the file did not work in it either?


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Re: ESU 73100 decoder problems
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2018, 02:32:40 PM »
Thank Rick.
I will use that if I need to do a reset.
Where I am right now? I downloaded the correct file (the same one I had tried before). Again the decoder is dead!
Returned to my saved file and updated the decoder- Now it is working again.
Bad file?

Did you check the new decoders before doing any sound file uploading or CV customizing?  It is always a good idea to check factory-fresh decoders (using the default short address 3 of course).

What is puzzling me about all of this is:

In order for the LokProgrammer to upload the sound file to the decoder it first  has to identify the decoder attached to it.  It does that by reading back  few CVs (by observing the screen I suspect that it uses standard programming-track DCC protocol to read CV 7 and 8 - you can see the motor twitching when it does that, then the manufacturer name populates on the screen).  Then it reads bunch of other information from the decoder (which will slowly populate all the fields on the Decoder Information screen).  Since during this process the motor does not twitch, they must be using some proprietary communication protocol.

The whole point of me describing this is that in order for the LokProgrammer to even allow sound uploads, it needs to identify the decoder as begin an ESU decoder which is compatible with the sound file.

What is puzzling is that even after you "break" the decoder by uploading that sound file, it still can be read and be properly identified by the LokProgrammer (because it allows for another sound file to be uploaded to that "dead" decoder).  But that "dead"decoder cannot  be read on an NCE system?  That is squirrely.  :|  Welcome to the wonderful world of advanced DCC sound model railroading.  :)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 03:49:23 PM by peteski »
. . . 42 . . .


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Re: ESU 73100 decoder problems
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2018, 03:20:49 PM »
If a bridge rectifier (one or more diodes were damaged) then that would affect the entire decoder (not just the motor).  That rectifier supplies DC power to the entire decoder.

If hardware is s a suspect in this type of a problem then the culprit will be one or more components damaged in one of the legs of the H-bridge which powers the motor.

Thanks Pete,
I am no electronics wiz (although I do know enough to be dangerous.  :D),  but I totally understand your explanation.
I’m now gonna demount it and hook it up to the loktester on leads to be absolutely sure it is the decoder that’s bad. I’m thinking this will be the case already anyway but just to be thorough.


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Re: ESU 73100 decoder problems
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2018, 04:33:10 PM »
I down loaded the sound file that Matt told  about. After that down load brought the decoder back to life.
I set the address and tweeted a few CV’s and ever thing is now working-
Now I get to install the decoder!


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Re: ESU 73100 decoder problems
« Reply #22 on: May 14, 2018, 05:53:34 PM »
So, something wrong in the Micro (N) version, but project is good in the full size decoder (HO). Luckily, the software can automatically adjust the project for the scale of the decoder.

I have had to do this with their OEM files, tend to only post the HO version.
Rick Brodzinsky
Chief Engineer - JACALAR Railroad
Silicon Valley FreeMo-N