Author Topic: Bachmann Connie Rod Pins Go Missing  (Read 699 times)

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Bachmann Connie Rod Pins Go Missing
« on: July 21, 2017, 10:17:17 PM »
I got out a B'mann Consolidated from the "rarely run" box for a train show this weekend to test on the layout. After resetting the decoder and setting the engine number on the programming track (all good), it didn't go but a fraction of an inch on the running track. Cutting to the chase, three of the four siderod pins were missing, nowhere to be found. Front and rear drivers are not geared and the second driver is not pinned to the rod, so obviously this was not going to work, nohow. Checking the fourth pin revealed it was loose, too, and would have met the same fate had I not intervened.

Fortunately Bachmann offers spare pins for 30ยข, so no apparent issue with replacements.

Is this characteristic of this model? Or other B'mann small steam? It seemed odd that there was little to no friction fit on the fourth pin, it was just loose, and still loose after pressing back in. I've seen this on other locos when over-lubed, but this one showed no signs of problems, and IIRC may have had 30-45 minutes total run time. I'm tempted to use Loctite when replacing the pins, deeming it necessary to at least do something. Are there other solutions?
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 10:03:37 AM by GaryHinshaw »

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Bill H

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Re: Bachmann Connie Rod Pins Go Missing
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2017, 11:59:22 AM »
I have four of them, none with loose pins that "have disappeared". Whenever I have a slightly loose pin, I just add a drop of white glue to the pin, let it start to thicken and then insert the pin. Makes it easier to remove the pin compared to using CA or Loctite if maintenance is necessary.

BTW missing is not a place so it is very hard to go there...

 :) Never understood why we seem to immediately adopt poor phrasing from the Brits. Sorry about that side rant...

Kind regards,