I've been reading assorted sites trying to decide on the best DCC system to use on the layout I'm hoping to start building by this summer. I'm leaning toward the NCE starter set. In the description, it says "Runs up to four N scale trains". Do I need a booster too, since I'll have up to 10 locomotives on the layout? But I can't imagine running more than 2 locos at one time.
This is all very confusing. Does the "Runs up to four N scale trains" mean 4 running at one time, or 4 total on the layout?
I have another question. I was looking around today, and I read somewhere that Kato recommends 3 Amps for its Unitrack. What would adding a 5 Amp booster do?
Jeez, and to think I'm going with DCC so I won't have to wire multiple blocks with miles of wiring.
Hmm... I'm gonna go get
me some beer while Kiz
sorts this out...