We wanted to share our latest addition to the Showcase Miniatures' line of Nn3 Scale locomotives, rolling stock and accessory kits. We just posted on our website our latest Shay locomotive kit. This is a kit of one of the most popular and unique Shay locomotives -
the Michigan-California Lumber Co. Shay #2. A 16 ton "Tee" Boiler Shay that can be built several different ways with the included parts. This particular engine is what got me interested in narrow gauge railroading many years ago. This little sidewinder joins our other Class B 30 Ton Shay in both Nn3 and N Scale gauges.
The kit features lead-free pewter castings and an extensive brass photo-etch fret. Detailed instructions are included and can be found on the link below.
Info and photos can be found here:
https://www.showcaseminiatures.net/nn3_scale/5008.htmlIt is designed to operate with the 6.5mm Searails' PowerMax! power truck (not included) and run on Z Scale track.
Showcase Miniatures