The way I understand this Wangrow became NCE and their System I was basis for what is the NCE's current DCC system.
Don Wangrow (R.I.P) wanted to create the "ultimate" DCC system.
He bankrolled the whole operation and contracted out much of the engineering for the System One system.
Karl Kobel did the mechanical design, and wrote the EZ Ramp software.
Ramtraxx developed a compatible system for sale in Canada (they integrated the command station and 5A booster into a single box).
Jim Scorse wrote the firmware for the command station and decoders— and retained the rights to his code for future use. He unsuccessfully tried to sell decoder kits, overestimating the size of the DIY DCC market.
Neither Don Wangrow or Ramtraxx had worked out how to make much money selling premium-priced DCC systems, and Don started battling cancer.
At some point later, Jim Scorse spent some money on tooling and created his own metal enclosures and throttle cases— at that point he "retired" from his stable job, took out a 401K loan, and started NCE. He won a couple of contracts to also produce OEM decoders for the RTR DCC market. Things really took off for NCE once he started selling his entry level PowerCab system.