OK...I have discovered how challenged I can be
I placed GHB L1 on programming track with PR3 and JMRI
thinking it had a decoder in it [mis-read and got confused
doing research and following threads incorrectly]
What happened?
Thinking it was a DZ125, I changed the CV for direction
and it actually worked....somewhat
The locomotive now runs in the correct direction as to the
direction control of power pack (MRC), but the headlight
is now NOT lighting
The weirdest of things is that the headlight and tender light
both light up on the programming track but not while
running on my ovals
OK...so I tried to program the decoder that is NOT there
"again" using the restore default on JMRI, but to no
avail...still runs in correct direction [with no change in the
locomotive wiring] but no lights on either loco head or
Any suggestions on how to get the lights back on even if
it means running in reverse direction?
I know...what was I thinking!