Author Topic: Custom Signals: TSC-2 controller  (Read 784 times)

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Custom Signals: TSC-2 controller
« on: August 19, 2015, 04:10:19 PM »
Hi Folks, I was trying to get back into my layout the other day after a long lapse, in particular, get some more of the Atlas signals set up. I decided to see if any new products were being offered by Custom Signals in NYS. They make (among other things) the TSC-2 Turnout Signal Controller that works with the Atlas system. Their website basically said "Adios". Maybe the "new owner" will be selling stuff.
Atlas does not list these units on their website. I now have a sizable investment in these things (which work pretty nice), but maybe no way to complete or add on things.
Does anyone know if someone intends to pick up and produce the product line? Google seems to think not.
The same thing happened once I adopted the Del-air pneumatic turnout motors. The company closed right up (one can get similar units from Portlines, but still...)
So if anyone knows something, please share!


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Re: Custom Signals: TSC-2 controller
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2015, 07:28:10 PM »

It may be possible to adapt one of my projects to drive these things.   Are you using the O Scale signals, or are you referring to the N Scale TypeG signals that Atlas was selling?



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Re: Custom Signals: TSC-2 controller
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2015, 10:46:08 AM »
Hello Dave,

I am using the Atlas system, so they are all type G signals. Atlas sells the block detectors, the signals and boards, but did not seem to sell the turnout controllers. That was made by Custom Signals (along with a host of other cool things like a tumble down controller etc)
I am sure that the boards are not hard to make (there is a PIC 16C505 chip and some resistors, voltage reg, and modular jacks). But one would still need to burn in a program. I was hoping someone was going to pick up the product line. I will try emailing Atlas directly.
Do you market signal systems? there does seem to be a few folks out there doing just that. They would have to be compatible with with the Atlas system, though (I have a lot of $$$ invested already!)

Larry N