Central Ohio N-trak the host club has heard this complaint a couple of times for this year's show. There was 1 vendor who was a no show, 2 tables. Other than that, we had 13 vendors with 47 tables, about the same number as in other years. Yes, some layouts did grow in size and we did have one issue with where a layout ended up being placed restricting the space between a vendor the and a layout, the building layout design was not followed which allowed this to happen. This is a gathering of N scale model railroaders, if the clubs could not bring their layouts, they would not attend. It is not possible to satisfy everyone, we try to accommodate the majority. We work hard to balance the vendors and the layouts, it is a balance and one that we work hard to achieve. Our end of show survey shows that the clubs were satisfied with the show and 11 out of 13 vendors were also satisfied, one of the 2 not satisfied is always not satisfied, but, returns year after year. Go figure. We know that space is tight, but, there is no additional space available in the Columbus area at a reasonable cost. We try hard to make this an enjoyable show for both vendors, participants and visitors, in 99% of the cases we succeeded. Again, thanks for attending. later, Craig