Are Campbell's kits still in production? I haven't seen new kits for a long while. I built several of their trestles and was always impressed with the quality of the material.
I've always used ACC to secure the rails to the ties. Never had a compelling reason not to do it. The ACC just works for me.
The oldest trestles were built around 1980 and the ACC has fixed the rails in place since then, except for the occasional failure usually near the ends of the trestle at the roadbed. Nothing a small drop of ACC can't secure again. These trestles are on NTRAK modules and have travelled long and travelled hard. Lots of vibration while driving and man handling during loading and set-up.
The white glue originally used in assembly of the trestles has done a remarkable job of "keeping it all together". The modules are always stored in the garage here in Southern Ontario: summer and winter. And in the car overnight before a show during the depths of winter (where it's -25 degrees C or -13 degrees F like today). Despite the rumours I hear from south of the border, summers here in Southern Ontario can hit 40 degrees C or 105 degrees F for extended periods. These are the kinds of temperatures I wouldn't keep my Gibson Les Paul in overnight!
For a home layout where temperatures are more or less moderate, I can't see any reason why ACC wouldn't as reliable.
I keep expecting to find a pile of sticks where the trestles once stood under a pair of suspended rails traversing the canyons on this particular module: the effects of thermo-cycling during this time. But the adhesives are still securing everything in place.
As I am in the process of building Free MoN modules, I might salvage these trestles for re-use on the new project.