My first (a second kit is due to arrive soon) model of Robel 54.22 Track Maintenance Vehicle - DB Bahnbau (kibri 16100) has arrived and the work at the workbench started almost immediately!
The parts included on this kit:
I looked to the cabin I took the immediate decision to remove all engraved handrails and apply new ones.
The following photos shows the original engraved plastic handrails:
The next 2 photos shows all handrails removed and the 0,35mm holes already made and ready to receive the new metal handrails
Finnaly with the new metal handrails applied but not fixed yet.
Regarding the handrails I always use 0,35 mm (spare!) strings from my Yamaha C2 grand piano!
More to follow soon (I hope)!
Ayala Botto