I attempted this thread earlier but had problems uploading images, so here is one more try.
The project is winding down now and I have run the loco on my test rollers, it has a very slow and smooth startup and very smooth through the speed increases, max. speed is not known at this time but I feel it is going to be adequate. All of the testing has been analog dc and I think the Zimo decoder will enhance it's performance. I hope to get it completed so I can make a short vid of it operating on The Southern New Mexico N Scalers club layout this weekend, if life doesn't get in the way.
I am in the process of installing A Zimo 621 decoder that will provide mars and regular headlight as well as firebox flicker. No sound on this one, as I want an excellent performer. Here are 4 images to show the motor/gearhead install.
First one is showing the drive shaft u-joint. I wanted as short as possible to help remove any wiggle in the joint....
This 2nd image to just show how much space is available to the right or rear end of motor and upper frame. As you will see, I was able to wrap the Maxon motor with Kapton tape and then just clamped in between the two upper frame halves..............................
The 3rd basically to show the available space. I was going to put the Zimo decoder in this position but decided to place it in the cab and forego a real tight squeeze behind the motor tabs.................
This last one to show my boo boo, I cracked the skirt on both sides, so I guess there will be a cabinet door placed there ? ? ? ? ?
I think she is going to run well as I made a "repair" to the #2 driver that had bearing problem ala the #4 driver. Will post a video when I can and will then admit success or defeat on this front. Never say can't. Thanks for looking.