As many of you good folks know, I'm still moving forward with a book on every Kumata N scale brass loco made.
There have been several interesting threads related to that.
Well here is a follow-up.
Bottom line (for bottom line people who don't like to read a whole post:
I need ANY and EVERY person who has a brass Halmark SD40-2 made by KMT in 1982
and/or the Oriental E1A from the first run in 1982 to please pull the shell and tell me how the trucks are retained.
Headless screw?
or regular Knock-out Pin?I don't need a photo, just a report back here.
Here is what the headless screw looks like:
Notice the SLOT on the left. THAT is what you are looking for.
The slot for a tiny screwdriver is only on one end- the other end is solid.
So since the trucks on these locos are REVERSED, at any given moment when you look at the side of the loco, ONE gearbox will show the SLOT and one won't (ie, one headless screw is facing you and one is facing away.
Sooooooo. If there is NO headless screw, then you have two oldfashioned knock-out pins. There will be no slots.
Please report back here what you find.
And as always, thanks.