Was wondering if anyone who has purchased the Bachmann S4 if they could see if the Atlas BLW VO1000 shell will slip onto the chassis. The prototype's truck centers were a whole 2" off from what was used for Baldwin's later switchers (DS1000, S12, etc) and it would be interesting to know if this might just work.
http://rrpicturearchives.net/showPicture.aspx?id=2183617Both Reading and Seaboard Air Line received some of the earliest DS 4-4-1000, with both roads' units having the original chassis and carbody being used, with the original VO front grill being used on the RDG units (in a past issue if
Diesel Era covering a variety of early RDG locomotives) while it has been reported on an interesting thread on the
ACL-SAL-SCL Modelers list at Yahoo
! Groups that the earliest DS 4-4-1000s also had the VO1000 chassis and carbodies being used but that the new radiator grill at the end of the hood was applied. This was also true of Norfolk Southern DS 4-4-1000s (NS 1001, 1002).
If the S4 shell allows for the placement of the Atlas VO1000 shell it could lead to modeling the later BLW switchers which will help to enhance what can be done in N-scale. Anybody have any thoughts on this?