The surface looks too rough in the first photo in my opinion, unless you're modeling water surface during a storm. My observations of small freshwater lakes and local rivers shows combinations of both patterned and semi-smooth areas. The smoothest river surface I ever saw was at 5 AM on the Columbia in my grandpa's aluminum fishing boat, headed east to the confluence of the Snake at Sacajawea Park, on our way to troll for Steelhead...pure glossy Envirotex for sure!
However, I love the waterfalls and rapids! Looks VERY convincing, although in Z-scale I'd probably have to have my Optivisors on to see it!
Stop by the shore of Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron or any other Michigan inland lake on a sunny, windy day- IMHO DKS has captured that perfectly, sun reflections and all- he mentions the photo is not a river...