On behalf of Craig Barrow, Jim Fitzgerald, and Jim Kline of NTrak, I am pleased to
The new
NTrak Steam Locomotive Addendum 2012 book is now available. I received my copy yesterday and it's the
nicest one they have done yet. It is also the largest to date. There were so many good articles that they had
to go to a new style of binding because of the book thickness.
There are many members of this very forum whose work appears in it, and just like the 2006 "Book" and all the Addenda that
came after that, it is always well worth the purchase price. For those of you who are not familiar with these,
the Steam Locomotive Book and the Addenda are the N Scale "Bible" for steam locomotive building, repairing
and kitbashing. There are also many fine locomotive reviews.
This volume contains works by:
Tony Hines, Andrew Hegstad, Fred McDowell, George Solimine, Richie Dost, Mark Schwendeman, Craig Barrow,
Hans and Marc Starmans, Doug Nelson, Jason Smith, Randy Gustafson, Victor Miranda, John LeMerise, and myself.
It features reviews and excellent articles on engine scratchbuilds and kitbashes, specialized tools, repairs,
and N Scale history. It also includes a full index to ALL of the steam loco books and addenda, so now you
can use the index to find out which other volumes may contain pieces of interest to you.
It's almost 90 pages of N Scale steam locomotive fun!
You won't be sorry. BUY THIS BOOK!