I started this topic because I am delighted that Micro-trains released another Baltimore and Ohio heavy weight passenger car. PERIOD.
Then the topic is diverted to the lack of a link to the BLW website and other critical comments.
I sincerely wish this forum could operate on the principle that "IF YOU CANNOT SAY ANYTHING NICE, do not say anything."
I am approaching 73 years of age and do not understand why so many model railroaders view the world as if their "glass is always half-empty."
Share the delight by posting a link. Much like you hate it when everyone replies posting a picture...with the picture, many folks here hate it when someone makes a post referencing a website without a link.
There was no mal intent in my post nor was there in CBQ fans post, merely making it a point that if you make a reference, provide a link. It allows others to more effectively share in your joy.

The S.