As mentioned in the "E33, E44, EF-3 Electrics in FUD (Shapeways)" thread, Alternative Model Railways is preparing to offer several versions of these coaches very soon.
Here is a shot of one of the cars... a reply that Paul sent to me about these cars he wrote:
"I hope to start making the cars available on Shapeways in a couple of weeks.
"I'm planning on doing several versions including 10 and 11 window types, those with smoking saloons, the 'Deluxe' type you linked to, and to cover the variations in the amount of underframe skirting present."
The "Deluxe" type mentioned are the cars rostered by the Kansas City Southern, St. Louis Southwestern (Cotton Belt) and Seaboard. I am sure that some folks will find these offerings to be of interest and I hope that things progress well so that he can make this happen.
As I get more information I will share it