Author Topic: 50% price increase on Shapeways FUD  (Read 11574 times)

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Dave Schneider

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Re: 50% price increase on Shapeways FUD
« Reply #60 on: July 02, 2011, 04:56:07 PM »

I'll pay you $5 to do a H12-44 for the Atlas VO-1000 mechanism.  ;)
Truth be known, I might be willing to go a bit higher! Maybe not $100 a piece, but I need these!!!

Best wishes, Dave

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Re: 50% price increase on Shapeways FUD
« Reply #61 on: July 03, 2011, 10:51:04 AM »
And therein lay the question: how much are people willing to pay for a model from a single-digit production run of a prototype that will in all likelihood never be mass produced in N scale?  It's beginning to appear that a locomotive from scratch (bodyshell and mechanism chassis, other manufacturers' components, paint and decals) will cost between $150 and $250.  For me, it's worth it on units such as most of the New Haven electrics since a brass model equivalent would cost 5x that.  But is someone else willing to pay $300+ for such a model?  Are they willing to pay $30 for just a bodyshell?  I'm not so sure.  Would someone be willing to spend $90 on an FGE or Mathieson ex-Pennsy R7 reefer of which only four or five may exist?  Or would the demand be so overwhelming that it would be impossible to meet?  If you offer one of these projects in kit form at 1/3 the price, are there enough people interested in building it on their own?  Do you supply the needed components from other manufacturers, or do you instruct the modeler to procure those himself/herself?  Are there commercial decals available, and if not, is that another component that must be included?  All those questions are important in deciding whether to offer these types of items to the public or just use these methods to fill holes in a personal roster when time and finances allow.
Bryan Busséy
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Dave Schneider

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Re: 50% price increase on Shapeways FUD
« Reply #62 on: July 03, 2011, 05:15:03 PM »

You bring up a bunch of good points about a variety of potential products. Like most people I am willing to pay more for something I really need versus something that is interesting. The H10-44 or H12-44s fit this description. However this model is not so rare as to only appeal to a small number of modelers. In this case, having an available mechanism makes it more likely that people would want one or two just because they are available. There isn't the same time. money, effort commitment.

I would be willing to pay up to $50-75 for a FM shell that fits the Atlas mechanism. If the holes were included for the Atlas VO-1000 handrails (which are very close to the FM ones) that would be great. If there were a couple of different versions with different louver locations that would be a plus, but certainly not a deal breaker. The main thing is whether it is an improvement over what is currently available. 

Best wishes, Dave
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Re: 50% price increase on Shapeways FUD
« Reply #63 on: July 03, 2011, 05:58:48 PM »
I think Trainboard had a long discusion on this a few years ago. Someone was looking to contract with Kaslo tyo build a full SDL39 kit. Everything needed to be custom run from the frame to the shell to the trucks. Lots of people were interested when it was $150. Not so many were willy to pau $300 and the toppic soon died.

For me, a full loco kit of a C32-8 or C39-8 would be worth $200, and I may get two at that price. Thats about $50-70 over a RTR engine and I think thats a good price point.

One great thing about Shapeways is that asside from the time you are putting into the project, there is very little upfront costs, so the need for pre-orders is much lower than a Kaslo style production.

I wish Shapways would sales of multimedia kits with some parts FUD, other parts metal, maybe even offer etched metal as well. That way we could order a kit from them.
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Re: 50% price increase on Shapeways FUD
« Reply #64 on: July 03, 2011, 06:59:48 PM »
the original gets made from love.  The designer percieves a need or desire and designs the bit that fills it.  In this case the rest of us can buy into the process after the initial production if the designer chooses to set up an account or just release it 'GPL' style. 

This seems similar to the legend of Gordon Cannon, build a few parts that everyone needs and a business suddenly grows.  The next 'Cannon and Company' rising star may already be among us thinking about what part to design first...
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