Author Topic: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.  (Read 2928 times)

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Ian MacMillan

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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2010, 04:07:36 PM »
I have used NCE and Digitrax for years and like them both. I use Digitrax because I want every feature available to me, regardless of what I need to do on the system to get that. I to not mind the learning curve, because beyond selecting a loco and running it, it can be kinda steep.

I really like NCE for its pick up and go ability, and it has a good product behind it.

If you are not a tech head, go with NCE. If you are a tech head and want to exploit it, go with Digitrax.

Yes... I'm in N... Also HO and 1:1


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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2010, 04:20:18 PM »
Actually, another thought.

A large part of my criteria now for choosing a system, is "How easy is it to explain to non-technical people to use?" If you've got to 'support' a large club/operator base of people who can't figure out how to program their VCRs, then Digitrax will not be a happy fit. NCE is much more reliable in this situation, instead of being all "PRESS THIS PRESS THAT PRESS IT AGAIN" for the 32nd time this month.

Whereas if you're buying for yourself (and people who don't grok can simply avoid running trains), then Digitrax will indeed give you the greatest bang for your buck.
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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2010, 05:04:44 PM »
can be simplified by using JMRI Decoder Pro (free) programming software.  Launch the program with your loco 'victim' on the programming track and just check boxes.  Write configuration and go, the program can remember all those settings later if something goes wrong.  The price of a PR3 or MS100 programmer is small compared to the frustration it prevents.  Any system needs a computer interface that will simplify your life in programming or troubleshooting...
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