I picked up a three-pack of last week. They are fantastic.
Besides the usual change to FVM wheels, I put McHenry couplers on them. They come with Accumates from the factory, but the boxes are constructed to accept MTL, Accumate, or McHenry. I picked McHenry, which have a slightly tighter fit on the boss in the coupler box. A few swipes with an Xacto removed the paint from the boss and freed the McHenry's.
Take note of the verbage in the box that says the air hoses are a bonus feature and very fragile. They are.
The last thing I did was trim the supports at the ends of the coal loads, allowing the ends of the load to fall more naturally. They are a bit flatter than I'm used to out of the box.
A little bit of dirty and these are going to look great on the layout.