Author Topic: ATSF SD40-2's Galore  (Read 1091 times)

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ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« on: August 14, 2024, 08:41:18 PM »
Well, I'm not one for a lot of words in a string to form mostly coherent paragraphs so... here are some photos.
Both versions of the Scale Trains SD40-2 Snoots As delivered and ATSF Repaint. As far as I can tell, the "Exhaust Silencer" (it's a gotdamned muffler *shakes fist at sky*) was most likely an after thought during production, or at least it's around the time the Santa Fe was adding them to locomotives around the rebuild era, was painted, lettering was also corrected to the right Font, same with the cigar band on the nose. I'm hard pressed to say that the yellow and blues are slightly different, but that could have been a Scale trains production issue/ photography skill issue.
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Now as far as other brands go, I will say these are the most detailed N SD40-2s to the market currently and they are ugly*.   
*well... ok... they are not ugly. They are quite good looking, for Snoots anyway...

Left to Right ST, Kato, BLI and IM
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That said, I did not buy Sound versions, but we all know what loksound sounds like anyway. Same with paragon 4 which once volumes are changed, it's not so bad... more on the BLI love later though....
I also have a Kato Snoot... oof Kato... and this is after I painted the walkways...
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Two parts bear with me!

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Re: ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2024, 09:23:52 PM »
Ok I did not want to even try to add 10 photos to one post, so forgive me. If for whatever chance there was a *free* website like photobucket used to be existed, I would use that... But I cant find any remotely close...

I should have used 5130 for the photos because it is a As delivered version like the Intermountain....
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Here is the Kato, and it is more Orange than the photos show... skill issue I know. I hate that the Kato Mids are more orange than they should be, at least on 5027 the snoot Kato the yellow is actually close. HOWEVER, I am happy because that version was the last iteration to the ATSF models, horn relocation, nose headlight and ditchlights. The only other one with ditchlights is the BLI.
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Now. Here we are. I am going to get destroyed.
Out of all of these, This is one I prefer. Granted, It will need help detail wise. I will have to add all of the roof details, AC units, Antenna's. Antenna Stands, Horn relocation... I do not have the kahoonas to move the headlight on these units. Or really any of them. I have done two in my life. Once on an HO locomotive and the second on a Z scale... I do not care for cutting up $200+ locomotives.... When and IF Scale Trains makes a post 1985 rebuild correct 88" nose SD40-2, the BLI might be a favorite... for now. 

Anyway The detail side, the BLI is not the second best in this line up, the Intermountain is. Well the body is anyway. the trucks are a different story.
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Outside of the thickness on some details like the airline, I think the BLI has better details at least compared to IM and Katos. The ST has better details, but like the IM and Katos, they look flat, also with all the lettering they did on the body, they left out the gear ratios printed on the trucks. As well as the motor blower ducts....

Lettering on the BLI is actually legible on the rear porch.
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Here is the Scale Trains.
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ALSO I do not have the Bachmann... after the nightmare that has been the SD45... I am not so sure about that one...

I know you all are excited for this. Weight!
Scale Trains (non Sound) 2.8oz
Intermountain (sound) 3.0oz
BLI (sound) 3.0oz
Kato Mid (sound) 3.4oz
Kato Mid (non sound) 3.4oz
Kato snoot (non sound) 3.5oz

Katos... well they are Katos. they pull extremely well as it is and thats why. I have to consist the Intermountain and BLI if i want to run longer trains, the Scale Trains are no exception to that rule either.

If you all want I can go into the prototype specifics of these units as well...

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Re: ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2024, 10:03:41 PM »
Pretty impressive model.
As for photos, if you chose to use the Railwire Gallery, you could upload hundreds of photos to  the forum.
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Re: ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2024, 08:56:21 AM »
Ok I did not want to even try to add 10 photos to one post, so forgive me. If for whatever chance there was a *free* website like photobucket used to be existed, I would use that... But I cant find any remotely close...

I echo what Pete said.   
I have 2,600 photos here on Railwire. I’m really thankful for the space. 
And I don’t mind the Railwire watermark on the photo because it becomes advertising for Railwire.    If you google certain things that I have posted a lot about (Shay, TP56, EP-2 bipolar) my photos will come up and they lead people right here to Railwire. 

It’s a win/win.
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Ed Kapuscinski

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Re: ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2024, 11:43:59 AM »
Great comparisons!

It really demonstrates how "last gen" the Katos are. They have their strengths (literally), but just look so dated compared to modern models.

I'm actually really impressed with the detail quality of the BLI ones. If only they paid any attention to details like phases, they would've been a great option for me too. But they slap any scheme they want on the same basic early production model. Good news if your railroad had them. Not so if it didn't.


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Re: ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2024, 07:25:09 PM »
I'm surprised with the similarities between ST, BLI and IM..

I got my Conrail white stripe last night.. I think I have all 3#s of the plain blue secured...
... They will pair nicely with my C39-8s..

Not sure what train I'll run them on.. but we'll figure it out.

GM50 4164

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Re: ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2024, 08:59:51 PM »
Excellent comparison between the models. I like the gear ratio labeling on the BLI trucks, first I've seen of that! I was able to add weight to my ST 40-2's. I brought the weight up to 3.28oz for the non sound units and 3.10oz for sound equipped units. Pulling has increased quite a lot after these upgrades. I was also able to add a TCS KA-N1 into the nose of my sound unit, low nose Chessie unit.

Benjamin H


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Re: ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2024, 09:13:53 PM »
@GM50 4164 What all did you use to increase the weight?

@Ed Kapuscinski I'm in the same boat with you on the BLI, The one I have has been excellent so far. I think if all I have to do is minor detail upgrades it will fit nicely with the rest of the fleet.

Now as far as 5130 goes I may end up listing it here, or selling it elsewhere. I was only going to buy one as it is, not sure I need two* Snoots. Not to mention it's earlier than what I model anyway.
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GM50 4164

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Re: ATSF SD40-2's Galore
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2024, 11:03:45 PM »
@GM50 4164 What all did you use to increase the weight?
I have several pieces of thin lead sheets that I simply cut and placed in the fuel tank where the speaker would go. If you remove the fuel tank, there is a small piece of plastic that I removed and filled it with lead as well. I'm sure tungsten putty would work well for this as well.

Benjamin H