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Those are what I have in mind. I'm goin to weather the lamps a bit, see if I can improve them, but I'll probably just get the Just Lite it lamps.
@dangerboy81 , Search eBay for this item number 163963594897.
@dangerboy81 , There are other, much finer versions of goosenecks to purchase out there with surgical pipe and formed shades and escutcheons. The wires are red and gold (negative) and each comes with a 1K resistor. They can be soldered to the WS connectors sold separately (which I dislike for size).Search eBay for this item number 163963594897. They have many other lighted products, but this is their finest IMHO. I tried to make my own and could not come close, by a longshot. You won’t beiieve how impressive they are until you have one in your hands.Lit:
I also repainted all of the Monroe Models junk pile castings with thinned Testors rust as they were very lightly painted.
I don't want to rain on your junkpile, but are you going to vary the color of the various junk pieces? The header photograph for this WU is a pretty good example of the very varied shades of rust that iron can have. Also, even junked cars retain some or most of their paint color, unless they've been abandoned for decades in the woods.
I was thinking the same thing @Lemosteam . Just a little color variation (and maybe some dark wash to better show the "texture" of the pile would go a long way.
...is that pic of the Ontario Northland gondola “for real”, or is it a model? I’ve zoomed in, and out, and in, and just can’t tell for sure.
I say real, look at the coupler