Author Topic: Kato E8 Wabash  (Read 1370 times)

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Kato E8 Wabash
« on: January 13, 2022, 05:31:19 PM »
Kato posted on facebook (and I assume elsewhere) about another special run of E8, this time custom painted Wabash E8 #1009. Not sure how many Wabash guys there are around here, but I'm in for one.


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2022, 06:12:26 PM »
I wasn’t too interested in the Rock Island one they offered recently but this Wabash unit is interesting. Gives me hope they will do an Erie one at some point.

w neal

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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2022, 07:00:48 PM »
Ready for the second road number already.


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2022, 09:07:32 AM »
This is an interesting series.  WAB 1009 is another museum restoration. 

Paint looks good for period modelers as well, though I wish the model had a passenger pilot on it. 


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2022, 09:44:43 AM »
I hate to be the curmudgeon on this one, but....

I'm trying to figure out the paint job on the lower portion of the nose.  Can't tell in the photo whether what I am seeing is blue overspray on white, or if they extended the light gray from the upper part of the nose.  In all the photos I can find of E8s in this paint scheme, that lower area is distinctly "white" (or "white aluminum" paint?).  Also true for the museum version: 

While I assume they are going to fix this, I have learned the hard way not to assume that sort of thing on pre-orders.  And it bothers me that they would not take the time to fix it on their "beauty shot" model for advertising- the one you would expect to be perfect when they are asking folks to pony up an extra $100 (more or less) for a "custom" paint job.  (Didn't they do this paint scheme on an E8 when they released their Wabash Budd car set?)
Tom D.

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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2022, 12:30:17 PM »
I hate to be the curmudgeon on this one, but....

I'm trying to figure out the paint job on the lower portion of the nose.  Can't tell in the photo whether what I am seeing is blue overspray on white, or if they extended the light gray from the upper part of the nose.  In all the photos I can find of E8s in this paint scheme, that lower area is distinctly "white" (or "white aluminum" paint?).  Also true for the museum version: 

While I assume they are going to fix this, I have learned the hard way not to assume that sort of thing on pre-orders.  And it bothers me that they would not take the time to fix it on their "beauty shot" model for advertising- the one you would expect to be perfect when they are asking folks to pony up an extra $100 (more or less) for a "custom" paint job.  (Didn't they do this paint scheme on an E8 when they released their Wabash Budd car set?)

It is based on a museum restoration in 2013.

As part of its Kobo custom line, following on the heels of the recent “Rock Island” E8 Custom paint run, Kato USA is now taking orders for a limited run of the Wabash locomotive #1009 in its post 2013 appearance! This engine has been preserved by the Virginia Museum of Transportation and was the 10,000th engine built by EMD. These locomotives will be available with DC, Pre-Installed Digitrax DCC, and Pre-Installed ESU LokSound!

Pre-orders open through January 31st and are expected this May, 2022 (DC Versions). Visit your local hobby shop to reserve yours or see the link below to order.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2022, 05:18:40 PM by CBQ Fan »

Way of the Zephyr


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2022, 12:48:27 PM »
Speaking of Wabash cab units - does anyone have any reccomendations for Tru-Color paint colors for this scheme?  Tru-Color does list a Wabash Blue, but doesn't say if it's this blue or the lighter one that was used in later, solid-blue paint schemes (1960s+).   And what about the gray and (off)white?
NKPH&TS #3628

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.

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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2022, 04:21:50 PM »
I wonder if this means there will be Juniata Terminal E8s in the future.

Between those, the recent MTL PRR 120, and Kato's Amfleets, you could do a great "visiting passenger train" that would look right at home on many peoples layouts.

One can only hope.


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2022, 08:48:34 AM »
Good morning all.

KATO's earlier locomotives were PA's.  The domes were originally with E8's on the Blue Bird  (Chicago St. Louis).

As for the cars The 2 domes in the set were fairly accurate to go with the E8.  The Observation car was a CBQ Silver Fountain type body in Wabash colors.  The baggage was also a CBQ if memory serves correct.

I have said here before. For a Wabash Blue Bird:  E8 and 3 domes are done.  Still need a Baggage Lounge to go behind the E8, this car served into the Amtrak era, an appropriate seven large window LW Diner, and 1601 observation.  1601 was a dome forward observation similar to the CBQ Twin Cities(?) or Afternoon Zephyr(?).  Sorry I can't remember which.  Main differences are the tail lights high on each side and wheel well cutouts.  1601 is still in Duluth GA.  On of the Q parlor observatiion cars is reported to be in Hickory NC but it is likely indoors.

If anyone is interested I can post a few of the pictures I took at the Streamliners Event in Spencer NC a few years back.  I have several dozen pictures.  Here's one.

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« Last Edit: January 15, 2022, 08:57:48 AM by Bobster »


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2022, 02:29:49 PM »
Yeah, the Wabash E8s had passenger pilots (as did most of their F7s) - I thought Kato had a passsenger pilot E8 shell in their stable.  :?


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2022, 05:15:20 PM »
I would love a blue bird box set. That would really be the cats' meow.

It ran right in Kato USA's backyard, too.


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2022, 05:58:27 PM »
This is the 1601 later in its life on an NRHS excursion on the AD&N in 1987.

Photos courtesy of Hawkins Rails.


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Re: Kato E8 Wabash
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2022, 08:31:12 PM »
A couple more pictures,

I took my Life Like E8 1006, N scale, with me for some perspective shots.

Just a thought on painting....I used to model US navy ships from WW2  Could it be the Wabash got hold of surplus USN paint?
5-N Navy Blue, 5-O Ocean Gray, and W(?) White and Gloss black instead of flat black BK for the fuel tanks and wheel trucks.  Like I said just a thought.
Also notice at least one of 1009's horns were facing rearward at Spencer.

Bobster out.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 11:07:47 AM by Bobster »