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I hate to be the curmudgeon on this one, but....I'm trying to figure out the paint job on the lower portion of the nose. Can't tell in the photo whether what I am seeing is blue overspray on white, or if they extended the light gray from the upper part of the nose. In all the photos I can find of E8s in this paint scheme, that lower area is distinctly "white" (or "white aluminum" paint?). Also true for the museum version:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wabash_1009_at_the_VTM.jpg While I assume they are going to fix this, I have learned the hard way not to assume that sort of thing on pre-orders. And it bothers me that they would not take the time to fix it on their "beauty shot" model for advertising- the one you would expect to be perfect when they are asking folks to pony up an extra $100 (more or less) for a "custom" paint job. (Didn't they do this paint scheme on an E8 when they released their Wabash Budd car set?)