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Return of the Chocolate Town Special
« on: July 06, 2021, 03:53:18 PM »

Press Release   Contact: Lisa Maloy
Hershey History Center
40 Northeast   Drive, Hershey, PA   717 ‐ 979 ‐ 6002
Return of the “Chocolate   Town Special”
Historic model railroad layout of 1920s Hershey and the rolling Pennsylvania   countryside
Exhibit Dates: July 10, 2021 thru December   2021  Regular and special museum hours
Special Event Weekend:   July 9 to July 11  Preview Night: Friday, July 9  ‐  6pm to 9pm
o Model train layout operations   and access to all museum exhibits
o Meet the train layout designers and builders, John Cassel and Dave Laughery
o Refreshments
 Museum Hours: Saturday,   July 10 & Sunday, July 11 – 10am to 5pm
Sponsorship   Opportunities
Please visit   and our Facebook   page for up to date event information.
The Hershey History Center is opening our newest exhibit, “Return of the Chocolate   Town Special” on
Saturday, July 10 th , with a special event preview night on Friday July 9 th starting at 6pm.
This 1920s scene of rural life and downtown   Hershey features three N scale model trains that depict the
Lebanon branch of the Reading Railroad and the significance   of this transportation   on the vitality and growth
of the community.   Models of historic Hershey buildings,   including the Hershey Chocolate   factory, and
operating   trolley cars, add to the historic scenery.
Visitors will have the opportunity   to operate interactive   scenes, sounds, and kids will enjoy a scavenger   hunt.
Volunteers   from Capital PenNScalers   NTRAK, an N scale modular model railroad group, along with the Hershey
History Center and John Cassel, installed the train layout exhibit.
The “Chocolate   Town Special” was designed and created by John Cassel and Dave Laughery as a seasonal
display for the Hershey Museum of American   Life in 1995. First Davis Corporation   donated the layout to the
Hershey History Center in 2021 and we are proud to offer this limited time showing of a unique and historic
model train layout.
Hershey History Center is home of the Hershey ‐ Derry Township   Historical Society​
« Last Edit: July 06, 2021, 03:56:02 PM by PennsyPride »