Etcher has invoiced me inclusive of shipping so I can provide pricing on the etched frets.
- 2 Track Prototype Spacing: $14.50
- 2 Track T-Track Spacing: $16.25
- 4 Track Prototype Spacing: $22.50
- 4 Track T/5 Track Prototype: $24.50
I am waiting for a "volume quote" on the 3D printed details (lens housings/base, enough lenses for 5 full signal heads). Estimated price is $6.50 per 2 track set ($13.00 for 4-5 track).
Shipping cost (from me to you) will be the final cost TBD. If the detail sets are included as most want, I need to use a box (so they don't get crushed) with total shipping cost about $15.50 per order. I may be able to use just a flat mailer if frets only and save a little, but then shipping from SW is another $10 anyway..Will post another update as more info comes in. ETA may be earlier than expected.