My son Luc is an engineering student and has a class ending project to prototype a Mars rover. It only needs to steer and move forward and reverse. The electronics kit provided in the class contains an audruino, and various other components.
In a different class, he learned Catia Basics.
As a remnant we had a old smaller RC chassis lying around, but it would not fit all of the components needed to get it to work.
He set out to recreate the chassis to fit everything, and of course asked me to print the designs.
He ended up with a three piece design with a connecting center spine glue spine and two glue channels on the wings.
The original guts of the drive, suspension and steering will fit on the chassis, and he designed (with some help from dad, the snap features to locate and hold the motor, servo and the various other electronics, which will be positioned using 3m Velcro command strips so as not to damage parts from the kit (it has to be returned).
Here are the prints of his design. Btw I was able to position all but the center frame section within the Mono X build plate, and yes I printed directly on the plate, except for the steering linkage pin cover which had to be supported (printed part not pictured).
Overall dimensions are approx 230mm L x 126mm W x 23mm H
I was very happy with the print except for the bloom on the first ten layers at 20 seconds exposure, so he had to do a little sanding.
Two things to report on the Siraya Fast; it machines really well, and I was able to tap some M2 holes on the top of the ring gear pocket left side in photo.