Author Topic: JMRI Decoder Pro  (Read 714 times)

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JMRI Decoder Pro
« on: December 16, 2020, 10:31:24 PM »

I have, probably, a dumb question. I am using version 4.2, of Decoder Pro, that is the current release and have attempted to find the answer for my question and can't find one anywhere on line. So I turn to you guys for the answer.

I use ESU LokProgrammer for me ESU equipped locos but I have several that are equipped with Digitrax or Zimo, thus I use DP.

I want to know if the Roster page can be sorted by manufacturer, Loco cab #, DCC address or anything. It would sure be handy in finding a loco to do any amount of programming on it. I am talking about 30+ locos in DP.

Any help appreciated.

Be well,
Carl Sowell
El Paso, Texas


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Re: JMRI Decoder Pro
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2020, 07:09:37 AM »
Yes .. you can sort by whatever columns that you can see .. or add ..   just mouse click at the top of the table (see where i put the arrow) .. and you can sort up or down .

Roster Group Pane
The Roster Group Pane only appears if a Roster Group has been defined. It appears to the left of the Roster Table (if not hidden using the Settings menu). Further groups can be added using the "+" button, and groups can be removed with the "-" button. Locos can be dragged from the Roster Table to the Roster Group Pane. The Roster Group Pane can be hidden with a menu option (under Settings), or with the triangular shrink/expand keys in the frame border. Removing a loco from a Roster Group can be done using the "Roster Group Table Associations" pane, accessible from the "Settings" menu.

I use roster groups to segregate my roster, and also keep loco entries i program for friends out of my main roster

« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 07:12:41 AM by John »


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Re: JMRI Decoder Pro
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2020, 12:16:47 PM »
Thank you John,

I totally missed the "Roster Groups" while searching, my bad.

I appreciate your help, be well,

Carl Sowell
El Paso, Texas