While I like the concept, I am very bothered by the massive over-scale size of the bottle crates (cases? racks? what are those really called? it escapes me at the moment). Check the scale of those on the N scale vs, the HO scale model. The N scale customers are getting their Coke in gallon bottles.
On the fuel trucks, I could see having several if they bring them out in paint schemes that match the couple of gas station kits I have and/or that help me identify places on the layout. I do have one of the Trainworx fuel tankers, which is great for a foreground scene, but, well, frankly, out of my price range for a "fleet". Also, just as a note, most of the photos I found when I was looking for prototypes of the Trainworx version in the mid 50s showed a cab-over cab, vs. the Ford or IH cabs- so hoping to see some done with cab-over as well.