Despite my tolerance for sharper curves, I think you're pushing it on the distance between curves on that top "S". By the time you add easements and superelevation, looks like trouble to me. You've got to get enough room in there to get an 89-footer off the curve and flat before you start into the next one.
And is that an actual spot you're trying to model or just throwing an S curve in there to be interesting? You do have that around Seven Valleys for sure.
My ATSF layout has a specific spot I fell in love with decades ago, a reverse "S" curve on the main at Chalendar, AZ (between Williams and Maine), with the snow-capped San Francisco peaks in the background. Slamming through an S curve with heavy superelevation on both main line tracks and no speed restriction, downgrade into Williams, through the Ponderosa pines. The spot was the subject of the cover on "Canyonlands and Super Chiefs" book by McMillan, a Howard Fogg painting for UTLX, and lots of calendar shots. That was my excuse for throwing an "S" curve in for no particular good reason and learning to live with the consequences over the years.'ll admit that pretty much the entire layout was designed to make that 'the spot', like PRR guys set up the room to do the Curve.
The telephoto shots on that curve are just fantastic to this day and the curve-to-curve distances are surprisingly tight if you look at the cars into and out of the superelevation area. Glad I did it, but when you look at the track plan it does look like I made a mistake somewhere.