Author Topic: N Scale freight cars jerking, how to fix?  (Read 8670 times)

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Re: N Scale freight cars jerking, how to fix?
« Reply #60 on: January 03, 2019, 10:14:05 PM »
I wonder if a small cylinder of foam material inserted inside the spring would work well enough.

I recall trying something like that a (long) while back, but it didn't work out too well.  If you put enough in there to dampen the oscillations, then the couplers stop working and won't stay together (coupled).  Also, I found it hard to cut tiny foam pieces consistently to the small size that it requires.



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Re: N Scale freight cars jerking, how to fix?
« Reply #61 on: January 04, 2019, 07:49:05 AM »
Cutting small foam cylinders can be done easily with a small hole punch, at least in larger sizes. The whole concept of tiny coil springs in the MTL couplers seems to dampen any desire to mess with them, though.