Author Topic: KATO SD70ACe UP The Spirit with ESU LokSound  (Read 1295 times)

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KATO SD70ACe UP The Spirit with ESU LokSound
« on: December 05, 2018, 08:30:37 PM »

I have been anxiously awaiting this release from KATO Kobo. It came in today and I have to say it is one fine looking loco and it runs, out of the box, as you would expect from any KATO.

I have not set up with my LokProgrammer as yet but will shortly because the f9 Drive Hold does not work as it should. Hopefully just needs a tweak. Also, in reading, the sound file bulletin it mentions the decoder has the "Smart Start" feature of the 1:1 loco. Has anyone played with that and if so, does it add to the realism ? ? After I get my programmer to work, I will post a short vid on my test track if interested.

Carl Sowell
El Paso, Texas


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Re: KATO SD70ACe UP The Spirit with ESU LokSound
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2018, 10:56:43 PM »

Well, I downloaded the 73825 file from ESU website and fixed the f9 problem. Have no idea about any other functions because I had not tried any others. Now, I can tweak all of the sounds to suit me. BTW, the "Smart Start" feature is pretty cool.

By no means am I casting stones at the installer of the decoder or ESU/KATO as well. It just needed tweaking. Oh, one other thing, the sound slots were not named when using the Lokprogrammer until I reloaded the file and now they are shown. Much easier to tweak them.

Carl Sowell
El Paso, Texas


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Re: KATO SD70ACe UP The Spirit with ESU LokSound
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2018, 10:57:07 PM »
I'll have a chat with Matt at ESU next week and see if we can get get a few tweaks made for decoder programming in the future for the N SD70ACe's.

If it's a glitch, we'll get it sorted out as we tend to be both in the camp of always working on constant product improvement.

Sorry for the inconvenience!



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Re: KATO SD70ACe UP The Spirit with ESU LokSound
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2018, 11:07:59 PM »

No problem and really no inconvenience. I was just surprised when the f9 function did not work properly. In fact and as info the f4 seemed to engage the "drive hold" feature. I checked the function mapping and that window looked OK. I can't say that too positively because I can't repeat the situation as I re-loaded, from ESU website, the same sound file. After that, the functions seem to work as intended. And besides I just like to tinker and hopefully learn something. Your work, supported by TRW postings, is top notch. And BTW, I just ordered a "4141" LS version. Also, I think the "smart start" is cool. All these types of features , IMHO, is what puts ESU at the top of the sound game.

Thanks for the comment and keep up the good work,
Carl Sowell
El Paso, Texas