I'm modeling a section of the NY&A bushwick branch, located just outside of new york city on a 2x4 Free-moN module. I have completed the benchwork and laid some of the track (pictures coming soon), but I need to build the transfer facility itself where garbage trucks dump their waste and the waste is loaded into 20' containers (atlas makes those). Here's a street view link:
https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7097767,-73.9279218,3a,57.4y,292.98h,95.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stNzXkYB6qGfH2ruIY0z-cA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656Does anyone have any idea of what I could use to build this? I have no clue where to begin. I would like the back of the building to be open on the fascia so that you can see the inside (modeling trash is my specialty
). The machines inside are super cool plus they have a trackmobile.
You will see on the Right side of the building (from the street) that there is a roll-up door gate to enter the facility for garbage trucks. That's how stuff gets in. From there there's container handlers and it looks like there's also a spur that they don't ever really use.
So, let's hear the ideas!