Author Topic: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?  (Read 2051 times)

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MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« on: July 21, 2017, 09:01:21 PM »
I have a Kato E8A and E8B (unlighted number board versions) that I need to convert to DCC and want to convert to sound.  I understand that MRC makes a "drop-in" board for these (#1645) that includes a sound decoder and speaker.  My questions are (1) how good is the motor control (creep, etc.) and (2) how good is the sound (mainly quality)?  Also, I see a refernce to "version 4", so I am wondering if there is a difference in performance between versions that I should be concerned about.

Personal experiences valued most, but references to reviews would also be appreciated.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 09:04:01 PM by Maletrain »

Santa Fe Guy

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Re: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2017, 10:08:44 PM »
I have no experience with MRC in an E8 however I had several in SD40-2's on my SFRSD that by todays standards are not that good. When you hear the latest sound decoders and witness the train control from Loksound I would never consider MRC again. Maybe consider a move to newer products.


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Re: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2017, 12:20:52 PM »
I don't know about the series 4 MRC decoder for the Kato E-8 but I have used a number of them when nothing else was available to fit that loco.
The problem with the older decoders, especially for the A unit, was the cap in the cab interfered with thing on the decoder and the cover would not lock down properly on the frame. Sound was acceptable for several years ago but there was very little if any keep alive capacitance in the decoder.

I'm surprised another decoder manufacturer has not come up with a drop in sound decoder for this and other Kato locos. The MRC sound decoder for the Kato F units and Walters C liner units go in easily and work not badly.
I used them because I wanted sound and there was nothing else available.



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Re: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2017, 12:56:52 PM »
If you do an internet search for MRC 1645 Sound, you'll find a number of You Tube videos with this decoder installed in a P42 (it also fits the E8) that can give you an idea of what it sounds like.

I tried out a 3d-generation MRC decoder three years ago (this was a wired version in the 19XX series), and while the sounds were OK (when used with a separate speaker in a sealed enclosure), the decoder itself had horrible motor control.  I never bought another, and moved on to ESU LokSound, which is terrific (but not a drop-in).

I have heard a number of engines with MRC drop-ins in person, and my own view is that the sound is very "thin" - the bell and horns are OK-ish, but the prime mover sounds are akin to an electric lawn mower.  I'm pretty sure that a lot of this is due to the fact that the speaker used by these drop-ins is not very good to begin with, and the drop-ins fail to follow the basic rule of decent sound: having a speaker in a sealed enclosure.

I completely understand the allure of drop-in decoders.  But you are just never going to get really good sound that way.

John C.


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Re: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2017, 06:22:44 PM »
I have one of the drop-ins installed in a Kato SD70MAC. I think it's... ok.... for sound. As for motor, control it operates decent. I only have the one, and if I remember right, it couldn't be speed matched close enough to any others with Digitrax or NCE decoders. I would have had to match the others to it. I I think the start and top voltage could be adjusted and there were three speed curves to choose from, no custom. I don't use it often and only run it by itself when I do. But, if you'll have an A-B set with one in each, I'd think you shouldn't have any running problems.  It was dead simple to intall and the speaker fit right up under the board. IDK how it would go in an E8 though. I was able to get mine of ebay for under $50, but if I were to do it again I'd do like jdcolumbo and go with an ESU. Yes, more work and a little more $, but MUCH better sound, options, and programming.


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Re: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2017, 09:49:49 PM »
I played with the MRC decoder designed for the Kato E-8 and was very disappointed.  I then found that the MRC decoder for the Kato PA had better motor control and I could substitute a sugar cube speaker and get great performance and sound.  Don't have the P/N for the MRC decoder handy, sorry.


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Re: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2017, 01:37:56 PM »
I have one of the drop-ins installed in a Kato SD70MAC. I think it's... ok.... for sound. As for motor, control it operates decent. I only have the one, and if I remember right, it couldn't be speed matched close enough to any others with Digitrax or NCE decoders. I would have had to match the others to it. I I think the start and top voltage could be adjusted and there were three speed curves to choose from, no custom. I don't use it often and only run it by itself when I do. But, if you'll have an A-B set with one in each, I'd think you shouldn't have any running problems.  It was dead simple to intall and the speaker fit right up under the board. IDK how it would go in an E8 though. I was able to get mine of ebay for under $50, but if I were to do it again I'd do like jdcolumbo and go with an ESU. Yes, more work and a little more $, but MUCH better sound, options, and programming.

I have the same trouble with speed matching to digitrax decoders.

Nate Pierce
Modutrak - Wisconsin Division


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Re: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2017, 11:23:39 PM »
I have one of the drop-ins installed in a Kato SD70MAC. I think it's... ok.... for sound. As for motor, control it operates decent. I only have the one, and if I remember right, it couldn't be speed matched close enough to any others with Digitrax or NCE decoders. I would have had to match the others to it. I I think the start and top voltage could be adjusted and there were three speed curves to choose from, no custom. I don't use it often and only run it by itself when I do. But, if you'll have an A-B set with one in each, I'd think you shouldn't have any running problems.  It was dead simple to intall and the speaker fit right up under the board. IDK how it would go in an E8 though. I was able to get mine of ebay for under $50, but if I were to do it again I'd do like jdcolumbo and go with an ESU. Yes, more work and a little more $, but MUCH better sound, options, and programming.

I mentioned earlier that I used the MRC decoder for the Kato PA in a Kato E-8.  The only problem I have had matching to other decoder brands is the momentum.  But the consist still runs pretty well and I enjoy my E-8's.  Had the same exact issue with MRC sound in the Kato F units.  Equal speeds could be done, but the momentum made it tricky to drive them.


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Re: MRC Sound Decoder for Kato E8 - How Good Is It?
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2017, 09:50:50 PM »
I have a Kato E8A and E8B (unlighted number board versions) that I need to convert to DCC and want to convert to sound.  I understand that MRC makes a "drop-in" board for these (#1645) that includes a sound decoder and speaker.  My questions are (1) how good is the motor control (creep, etc.) and (2) how good is the sound (mainly quality)?  Also, I see a refernce to "version 4", so I am wondering if there is a difference in performance between versions that I should be concerned about.

Personal experiences valued most, but references to reviews would also be appreciated.

I have one installed and it runs pretty good.  The sound was ok but a little quiet.  I improved this by cutting off a bit of the rear of the frame to form a ledge, using a small hacksaw and dressed up with a file such that I could put a 9x15mm enclosed sugar cube speaker in with the speaker magnet facing the rear so the sound can come out the rear door window.  What a difference, a great improvement.  Now I have actually turned the master volume down. Ok, new speaker is 8 ohms and original one was 32ohms.  I know ohms law but the decoder has handled it no problem.  As far as motor control it is good enough for what I need on this loco. I don't use it for switching activities.. All in all i am happy with it for what I need it to do.  However, since getting my first esu decoder equipped IM sd40-2 if I were to do it again I would use an esu select micro. The hard wire installation would not be that hard on this loco.  You can scavenge the front led from the old D.C. Board plus add a resistor.   There are more elegant solutions for the speaker upgrade if you have a milling machine. The loss in frame weight has had no visible effects on pulling power with its normal consist of 6 cars.