In another thread I complained there weren't any big (HO scale size but N features) factories out there. I'm currently in a long-term project of scratchbuilding a prototypical model of a large industry for John Colombo's NKP layout. It's been a challenge because there are 4 or 5 large buildings, and some smaller auxillary ones, of all kinds of designs. They are arranged together, this picture shows what iit looks like so far:
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I think this kind of buildings, sold separately as a series of kits, would be a great product idea for a model making company. In the manner of the Walthers steel mill or waterfront series, used not only as stand-alones but joined together to make larger complexes. In the photo you can see that there are sections that could be used separately by themselves to make little factories. Or multiples of the same kit to make a really large plant of uniform design. Or mix and match different kits to arrange into whatever arrangement fits the size and space of the area available. Or a building added to a factory kit made by some other company. Or as a backdrop front. The price ranges would vary with the size and complexity of each kit, so there should be something for everybody who likes these types of buildings. And the possibilities for kitbashers would be enormous. (Obviously this plant is an example of a 1880s-1940s era, but it still is in operation today.)
The modular parts (DPM and Walthers) idea was fairly good, as far as that goes, but it meant the modeler had to design and build structures by himself out of small parts. These kits would be something like that. Except for great majority of modelers who aren't that keen on planning and designing a building from stock parts, here they'd have the opportunity to get a "modular" structure but with instructions included like a plain kit. And for the kitbashers ... well, they'd go nuts. Obviously these could be done in either HO or N.
OK.... go ahead, tear this idea to pieces.